Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Stem Cell Therapy: See it to believe it!

The above image corresponds to the pastern area of a middle aged quarterhorse that presented to PHD Veterinary services for recent forelimb lameness. The gelding was very sensitive to palpation over the back of the pastern area and there was some swelling noted in this area. An ultrasound exam revealed a significant disruption (black area) of the straight sesamoidian ligament. The lesion extended nearly the length of the ligament and was approximately 20% of the cross-sectional area. The client elected for stem cell therapy followed by rest and shockwave treatment.

Six months later the lesion has nearly completely resolved (above image). The gelding was treated with fat-derived stem cells  that were harvested, processed, and injected at the barn. Stem Logix (http://stemlogix.com/equine-stem-cell-horses.htm) provided the technology for stem cell harvesting and processing all within 2-4 hours of harvesting the fat sample. Dr. Porter injected the stem cells via an ultrasound guided technique. This case provides an example of the regenerative capabilities of stem cell therapy in horses. In addition to soft tissue injuries, stem cell therapy is being used in horses with chronic arthritis that is no longer responding to traditional treatment with cortisone and other anti-inflammatory products. Contact Dr. Porter with questions regarding stem cell treatment.

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