PHD Veterinary Service

PHD Veterinary Service
PHD Veterinary Service

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Showing posts with label lame. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lame. Show all posts

Friday, October 12, 2012


The images below are of those of a horse with chronic "founder" or laminitis. There has been significant deterioration of the coffin bone and severe distortion of the hoof wall capsule. Clearly, there has not been adequate care of this horse's feet by a farrier/veterinarian team. Chronic founder requires careful attention and care by a veterinarian AND a farrier. The changes in coffin bone alignment must be monitored via radiographs and corrective shoeing by the farrier is critical to reduce pain and further deterioration of the foot. 

The images below are of a different horse with chronic founder that resulted in the coffin bone rotating out the bottom of the foot. Unfortunately, this is the end of the road for this horse and his condition resulted in humane euthanasia. This end result can often be avoided however sometimes despite the most attentive veterinarian/farrier team, mother nature has the last say in the matter. 

This post will be the first of several discussing chronic laminitis/founder, so stay tuned!!!